jcoopsjcw55 2nd December 2014

Wow,Julia, Damn,I was just told about this place that I could come talk to you...and put it down here... (by your best friend of all Darrla,of course) well,I talk to you like every day. When I'm driving, especially by all the places in town you used to live...and at work. Yeah, that's right, you actually got me my job! (Which I am so thankful for by the way) But lately there is this girl at work, she is very pretty, and just your height, and funny tHing how she walks just like you,I swear,I tHink I'm Lookin at you sometimes, well you are just everywhere at work to me,I see you everywhere. Time is flying, as it always does, but you are not here, you re just not and I still ...just miss you, still pissed off You were so special to me Julia, the day we first met,I knew you were going to be in my life I thought for ever. It was at Redwood Park in Arcata, remember?...all the"mom s" and kids were there. But all the other mom s were like really weird and of course we weren't, so we met later and became great friends. Julia,I just need to thank you too, hell...I don't really know if you can hear me......thank you for when you called me, you know, jUst before you left I SOOO MISS YOU... I LOVE YOU MY JULIA TERRINI!